
12 Confirmed Dead in Washington Navy Yard Shooting

lawhawk9/16/2013 1:09:20 pm PDT

12 years after 9/11, and the City’s Medical Examiner is still identifying remains.

Remains for 1,638 people have been positively identified. The most recent identification leaves 1,115 who have still to be identified.

The remains of a 49-year-old man were identified as the result of retesting of remains that were found during the original recovery operation, the medical examiner’s office reported. The victim’s identity was released to family only, who requested no further details be disclosed.

Nearly 22,000 remains have been recovered; identities have been matched for 63 percent (in some cases, multiple remains were traced to a single victim). A total of 1,115 confirmed victims — 41 percent of the total 2,753 — have never been identified, according to information provided by the medical examiner’s office.

Let that sink in. The families of those who were recovered may be receiving little more than fragments of their loved ones 12 years after the attacks. More than a 1,000 victims have yet to be identified - and it may be years (if ever) before they are identified positively by remains. For them, this is an ongoing horror.

And every so often, construction crews in and around Ground Zero and the neighboring buildings have come across fragments traceable to the 9/11 attacks.