
Reince Priebus Whines About Being Accused of Racism, MSNBC Instantly Backs Down

Decatur Deb1/30/2014 1:39:59 pm PST

re: #192 RadicalModerate

I got really annoyed with the people pooh-poohing the troubles that Atlanta and other southern cities had over the past couple of days because they didn’t get past the “two inches of snow” bit.

They need to understand that winter weather in the Southern US has an entirely different dynamic than what typically occurs elsewhere. I can say from personal experience that road conditions from a foot of snow in Pennsylvania is much less hazardous to deal with than 2 inches in Dallas - for two reasons - the weather patterns for snow/ice in the Southern US is completely different than elsewhere (the main engine for those events is driven from Gulf moisture), and because the infrastructure that is in place isn’t designed with frequent snow/ice events.

There’s a good bit of political blaming going about the lack of plows in GA esp, and a bit here in AL. For the most part, we should not have plows. The maintenance and training to make a plowing regime work can’t happen where it snows 2 inches every 5 years. The last time we got snow, the neighbor kids showed up with buckets and asked it they could have our snow to make their snowman.