
Lunar Eclipse Causes Panic in Strange Tribe of Throwbacks

Birth Control Works4/15/2014 5:11:16 pm PDT

Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus

Issue: (1) Whether, to challenge a speech-suppressive law, a party whose speech is arguably proscribed must prove that authorities would certainly and successfully prosecute him, as the Sixth Circuit holds, or should the court presume that a credible threat of prosecution exists absent desuetude or a firm commitment by prosecutors not to enforce the law, as seven other Circuits hold; and (2) whether the Sixth Circuit erred by holding, in direct conflict with the Eighth Circuit, that state laws proscribing “false” political speech are not subject to pre-enforcement First Amendment review so long as the speaker maintains that its speech is true, even if others who enforce the law manifestly disagree.

My brain is having a difficult time with legalese these past couple of weeks. Please, someone, decode this for me.

Also interesting are the amicus briefs filed.