
Gateway Pundit Claims the "Obama Admin" Awarded a "$50M Contract" to House Migrant Children: A Bald-Faced Lie

TedStriker7/16/2014 4:31:28 pm PDT

re: #200 Lidane

I’m exhausted after a long day at the new job and I am all out of fucks to give to these RWNJ assholes.

They are flipping their shit over efforts to help unaccompanied children who are fleeing unimaginable circumstances in their home countries. These kids should be playing or in school and instead they’re leaving their homes and their families and everything they have ever known to walk thousands of miles so they can surrender to the American government as refugees.

Honestly, fuck Dim Hoft and the rest of these RWNJs sideways.

BTW, congrats on the new job! Whaddya get, if you don’t mind me asking?