
Confederate Flag Comes Down, Conservatives on Twitter Howl in Rage

lawhawk7/10/2015 12:34:55 pm PDT

re: #202 piratedan

That’d be anyone who voted for the sequester (which was cheered by the GOP btw because it meant cutting government spending, even if it meant cutting military spending).

BTW, anyone notice that there are reports that the US Army will be cutting 40,000 troops and that it will hit a number of southern states particularly hard? Well, that’s also the result of the sequester. Reduce government spending across the board, and it will hit the military too. By 2017, the troop levels will be below pre 9/11 figures. That’s even as the military ties itself to the faulty F-35 program that will cost over $1 trillion and still isn’t able to do any of its primary missions well (let alone dogfight, use guns, certain missiles, or do air to ground - which are critical missions in the real world). That’s money that could go to programs that actually work, or to other parts of the budget that make sense - like infrastructure (which includes everything from roads, rails, to electric network, sewer/water, and cybersecurity).