
Right Wingers Emit Blizzard of Conspiracy Theories to Excuse Trump's Debate Loss

Sir John Barron9/29/2016 6:35:54 am PDT

re: #138 majii

HRC running campaign ads with Trump saying what she claims he said in his own words, in his own voice is why he hates the ads so much. He can lie and claim he didn’t say this or that, but the tapes of him saying it don’t lie. Even though he knows her ads contain snippets of him saying what she accuses him of saying, it still hasn’t taught him to modify his language. I remember the old adage my parents used to tell me, “One day your mouth is going to get you in trouble,” and in Trump’s case, his day has come, in spades.

Lies! All lies! Very unfair! Corrupt crooked Hillary, quoting my own words without asking!