
The Bob & Chez Show: The Second Debate

nickzi10/11/2016 5:42:00 pm PDT

re: #199 Blind Frog Belly White

“Well then the River Rhine overflows its banks. D’y’remember the Rhine? And the waters come in over the ashes.

“And who d’you think turns up next? The Rhinemaidens. So they take their lump of gold, I mean the Ring, which is of course their lump of gold, and they put it back where it came from.

“And after sitting through this whole operation, what do you hear? You hear: [Plays and sings Rheinmaidens’ leitmotif]. YOU’RE EXACTLY WHERE YOU STARTED TWENTY HOURS AGO!” - Anna Russell

I could see Trump as a stunted, ugly, orange Alberich scurrying along the banks of the Rhine trying desperately to grope the Rhinemaidens and settling for an accursed gold ring instead.