
Onion: Bratz Dolls May Give Girls Unrealistic Expectations

Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)1/23/2009 3:37:35 pm PST

re: #195 ArmyWife

My husband, my brother and my brother in law never out grew this. 2 years ago on vacation in the Outer Banks, they were on the upstairs deck lighting off bottle rockets and other assorted fireworks. While drinking tequila . You can see this going bad, right? So they strap a bunch of who knows what together to make a “Megacracker” (which apparently was hysterically funny in it’s own right), light the thing pointing upside down, and BOOM! The whole house shakes and the deck shook so much, their glasses fell off the table. My sister (all 110 pounds of her) marches out there and with her stern teacher voice says “THAT IS ENOUGH! IT IS TIME FOR BED”. All three of them hung their head, said “ok” and marched to bed.

It’s always rewarding to see if you can assemble enough firecrackers to build something in the 5 to 10 megaton range…

even when you are in your 40s…

…even more so when you are drunk.