
Murderous Anti-Evolution Nigerian Islamists

Cato the Elder7/29/2009 11:47:26 am PDT

re: #153 calcajun

20 years w/o a moving violation. It’s knowing how not to get caught. [Amen!] I’m not talking about “bat out of hell” driving; just fast enough to get away from the morons who can’t see why driving in a herd is a bad thing— these are people that have never watched a NASCAR race.

In Germany you can be ticketed for not getting the hell out of the left lane when someone wants to pass. Here, some people make a sport out of it. “I’m going just as fast as I want to go, and if you flash your lights at me I’ll slow down and force you to pass me on the right. This is my lane.”

Recently some merd in a minivan did that to me while a truck blocked my right side. So I’m trundling along behind this tool in front and an eighteen-wheeler at my side, with other fast traffic coming up behind. He’s boxing me in and enjoying it, slowing down to match the truck’s speed, whose driver is trying to get him to pass.

Nice thing about a big engine: you can drop back, cut over two lanes and pass that ole truck before the minivan dude can blink.

So I do that and scoot back into the left lane. The minibrain immediately speeds up, passes the truck, and moves into the middle lane. He showed me, all right!

To quote Jayne from Firefly, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we had some hand grenades right about now?”