
A Scintillating Friday Evening Open Thread

iceweasel8/14/2009 6:28:51 pm PDT

re: #158 Charles

Question: do you think it hurts or helps that people can click the rating number on their comment and see who dinged them up or down?

IMO, it helps.

It’s very useful to know if it’s the same people who keep downdinging you. Makes it much easier to ignore.

Also, the fact that anyone can see who downdings and who updings acts as a check on the whole community. We would have far more stealth downdinging and bad behaviour if it were anon.

There’s the occassional fight that breaks out — “hey! Why did you downding me?” kind of thing—, but that’s offset in my opinion by the utility of it not being anon. Also, it can be nice to see updings from people who almost never comment. It gives one a sense of being read outside of who might respond in a thread.

My .02.