
Glenn Beck Refuses to Define 'White Culture'

gonecamping9/24/2009 11:59:20 am PDT

I’ve never heard of a ‘white culture’. I may be wrong, but I’ve always thought of ‘cultural’ differences as regional or ethnic based, not race based. Some of the differences I would look at are food, music, dress, architecture, folk lore/mythology,etc. (like going to Epcot Center and visiting the world showcase, each section unique in its own way.

Heck, you can find white and non white folks from around the USA that are different just because of the region they live in.

Fast paced city dwellers..
Laid back beachside folks..
mountain loving..
water loving..
Sun worshippers…
Snow players..

Then there is food…how many styles of Chili can one get depending on what part of the country they are in ?