
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

HoosierHoops10/08/2009 5:14:20 pm PDT

re: #181 Cathypop

No respect for yourself leads women to the wrong man.

It’s a funny story..whoops I mean study..I read about it early this morning..
The Readers Digest version is that in the 50’s before BC men were rugged and women fainted over them.. As BC started being taken in the 60’s..70’s, 80’s 90’s
Men became more sissy looking and woman were draw to those guys..
Remember in the 80’s when all us guys had hair that took us 30 minutes in the mirror and a hair blower to perfect? You may not know this.. But because you were on Birth control..Sorry..You then go for more sissy looking guys…2009 and every woman wants Zac…
It may be the most stupid story on the entire Internet today…