
Live Video: Kagan Hearings, Day Three

SpaceJesus6/30/2010 1:53:54 pm PDT

re: #203 Mich-again

The same ones who wrongly use the term “Tea Party” for their movement. Thats an insult to the original Tea Party. Now those folks back then had a legitimate bitch, Taxation without Representation. The modern Tea Partiers had every chance to win free and fair elections to get their favored candidates into office, but they got outworked and outsmarted and lost those elections.

yep, these modern tea partiers think the founding fathers were simply anti-tax, and that george washington and the alike would support their fantasies of revolution against the federal government. well, it just so happens george washington and alike crushed anti-tax revolts in the early years of america resolutely with military force. see the whiskey rebellion, and shays rebellion.