
Breivik Inspiration 'Fjordman' Reveals Identity

CuriousLurker8/05/2011 12:16:53 pm PDT

Fjordman/Jensen studied Arabic at the American University in Cairo and did a dissertation on censorship & blogging in Iran.

You know how I’m always harping on how these far-right wingnuts are almost exactly like their Islamist counterparts save the overt calls to violence and (until last moth) actual deadly attacks?

How much would you like to be bet that Jensen had access to and carefully studied original Islamist writings in Arabic by people like Qutb and Al-Banna, and then modified the ideology to suit a Western/Christian agenda instead of a Middle Eastern/Islamic one?

The parallels are eerie: Assuming that he spent his time studying in Cairo when was a good bit younger (as most people do, and also because as he seems to have been active on the far-right for some time now), that would have been a turning point for him. Qutb’s turning point was the two years he spent studying in the United States. He returned ranting about socialism, Marxism, the sinful ways of American women, eventually deciding that returning to a more natural Islamic way of life would keep those awful forces at bay and prevent them from contaminating Muslim culture & society. It’s all there on the Wiki page.