
Arizona's White Nationalist Senate President Russell Pearce Gets the Boot

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)11/09/2011 3:56:52 am PST
Up to 50 Hungarian Roma are routinely filing refugee claims daily at Pearson airport, putting a strain on airport staff and medical services, according to border services officials.

A record 110 claimants arrived at the airport one night last week, creating a challenge for immigration and security personnel working to process them, officers say.

The Hungarian Roma are a stateless ethnic group that considers the name “Gypsy” derogatory.

Entire Roma families, from babies to grandmothers, are getting off flights and claiming refugee protection at Pearson, alleging they’re being persecuted by “skinheads or Neo-Nazis” in their homeland, border officers said.

And fascists of course are not consigned to just Europe. From the comments section:

They will be learning how to use ATM scamming equipment in no time. They’ll get caught. We’ll pay for their defence and they keep what they stole. Or they’ll go on welfare and we’ll pay. Or they’ll claim disability and we’ll pay. Whatever way you look at this, they will be a drain on Canada. Send them back now.

* 1 week ago

All I can say is HOLY F>>K, what is this country becoming. Were like one big homeless shelter. We are sooo going to regret this mass of incoming.

* 1 week ago

We will celebrate our world reputation as a generous and loving nation all the way to the poor house…When the hell is the government going to rewrite this immigration crap and be able to turn these people around in a day plus limit immigrants to people we need and choose to have … not invading parasites and colonists taking advantage of the Trudeau legacy of farce.

* 1 week ago

Am I being in bad faith when I wonder what Buck thinks about this?