
Solo Guitar Moment: Van Larkins - Stomp

Testy Toad T5/16/2012 8:46:20 am PDT

re: #185 Obdicut


Most buildings (disregarding the lighting rods) are already largely functional faraday cages, due to the plumbing, wiring, and such. The building may cave in or catch on fire, but you’re unlikely to get a jolt.

A Faraday cage only excludes EM radiation with wavelengths on the order of (or larger than) the size of any gaps. This is why your microwave has a grille in the front with ~1mm size holes, which keep λ≈120mm microwave radiation inside the oven, but permit the passage of visible light (which are, after all, still electromagnetic waves).

So your house is likely to exclude extremely low frequency EM radiation on the order of hundreds or thousands of meters, but probably not anything higher frequency. Unless your exterior is stucco on chicken wire, which would probably exclude VHF. Don’t buy any bunny ears.