
Ben Folds With the West Australian Symphony Orchestra: "Boxing"

CuriousLurker9/13/2014 7:28:31 pm PDT

Okay, so my new laptop arrived Tuesday afternoon and it took me a couple of days to install stuff & figure out Windows 8.1. The new desktop machine arrived around lunchtime Friday, so I’ve been working on reinstalling & reconfiguring all my apps on that one too.

I’m not 100% back to normal yet, but I decided to surf around for a while since my internet access has been pretty limited since last week. Ugh, I’d forgotten how much stupid was out there. First, on Amazon:

So I tweet that and jaunte’s reply makes me LOL:

Then a couple of minutes later this derp flies across my timeline, RT-ed by someone I unfollowed a while back but forgot to remove from my “liberals” list:

Apparently, Jews, like Palestinians, don’t really exist. I guess they both just invented themselves so they could fight with each other //

I can’t take it. Seriously. I’m gonna go watch videos and try again tomorrow.