
The Wall Street Journal Trots Out a Former Chief Scientist for BP to Argue Against Action on Climate Change

No Malarkey!9/22/2014 6:51:51 am PDT

re: #162 Alyosha

The idea that we (ie democracies) ought to make ID specifically for authentication of one’s vote even works just on the level of political awareness. Bestowing the sacred right to vote with a symbol as functional as a card is a great way to introduce a citizen to the political process and kind of create the opportunity for someone to develop an idea of their own personal political identity, outside of the group mentality. I really think a physical reminder that one has a duty to the state of the nation would help with motivation. Plus, obviously, it would eliminate the potential of voter fraud to actually influence the outcome of an election; whether by actual fraud or enacting legislation to restrict voting rights under the pretense that fraud is actually occurring.

Can you imagine the rollout for such a project, though? End-Timers would be so a-froth.

Then how many people would be disenfranchised because they lost their ID? If the purpose of this was really to combat voter fraud, it could be done an old-fashioned way, ink a finger of each voter with indelible ink so they can only vote once, or a high-tech way, take a digital photograph of each person as they vote. “Problem” solved, and no voters disenfranchised.