
Ben Carson Backs Donald Trump, Threatens to Leave the GOP

No Malarkey!12/11/2015 1:03:02 pm PST

re: #205 Nyet

Analysis is just that, it’s not binding. The specific decision concerning children of non-citizens is.

Cruz was born a citizen, he wasn’t made a citizen post-facto (unlike McCain), which means he’s a natural born citizen.

Well, you’ve made a statement to that effect, but you haven’t supported it with analysis. Wong Kim Ark lays out a comprehensive legal theory of citizenship which would exclude Cruz from natural born citizenship, so for me to accept he is a natural born citizen, I would want to see an alternative comprehensive legal theory which explains how a person made a citizen by Congress pursuant to its naturalization power could be a natural born citizen. Having said that, would I refuse to vote for a person born outside the US for President if I thought they were otherwise qualified? No, I wouldn’t, because frankly I think that requirement has outlived its usefulness.