
Now Trump Wants to Start Killing Drug Dealers

Jay C3/15/2018 2:59:54 pm PDT

re: #122 KGxvi

It was the Saturday Night Massacre that did Nixon in, more than anything. If he’d let the investigation finish on it’s own merits, Congress probably doesn’t develop the will to impeach him - more likely they issue a censure and life goes on. But once he fired the investigators, it was too obvious that he was abusing power and obstructing justice. My hope remains that if Trump does the same, that Ryan and McConnell find the cervical/testicular fortitude to do what needs to be done - if only to potentially save themselves and the GOP in the next election cycle.

Well, my inner cynic says (and I keep trying to get him to shut up, but he just won’t!) that if Trump really does go ahead and fire Mueller and shut down his investigation - that he wants to is pretty much a given, but even a narcissistic idiot like The Donald has to know there will be serious repercussions - he’s going to have to do it soon. The longer Mueller’s probe goes on, the more sleazy shit he is likely going to uncover, and the greater likelihood of him finding actionable criminal evidence against Trump himself, or his family. Shitcanning the investigation is his only hope (and this useless GOP Congress will do squat, we know that). And he’d better do it aas far before the midterms as possible.