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Joe Bacon ✅6/14/2024 7:09:46 am PDT

Anthony Fauci in Book: Volcanic Donald Trump Screamed F-Bombs, Then Said He Loved Me

In his memoir “On Call,” Anthony Fauci tells how Trump lurched from crisis to crisis and said he would win in a “f***ing landslide.”

Donald Trump shouted foul-mouthed abuse at Anthony Fauci, then lurched into telling him he loved him—and claimed he would win the 2020 election in a “fucking landslide,” the top medical adviser reveals in his new memoir.

In the eagerly awaited book, Fauci describes conversations with Trump during the COVID-19 pandemic in which the then-president would “announce that he loved me and then scream at me on the phone.”

“Let’s just say, I found this to be out of the ordinary,” Fauci writes, of conversations peppered with f-bombs, including the claim Fauci had cost the U.S. economy “one trillion fucking dollars.”

The book, On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service, will be published in the U.S. next week—as Trump and President Joe Biden’s rematch gathers pace. The Daily Beast obtained a copy.

On the page, Fauci describes interactions with Trump as the administration wrestled with the president’s opposition to public health measures including masking; Trump’s desire to reopen the country; his indulgence of advisers with dubious qualifications pushing untested treatments; his bizarre suggestion that bleach might kill the virus; and, ultimately, his own hospitalization with COVID.

Fauci, the veteran director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), became the face of the pandemic and tried to navigate between Trump’s erratic statements and his own medical expertise. He then became Biden’s chief medical adviser and retired in 2022. In March last year, the New York Post reported that Fauci sold his memoir for “just under $5 million.” Crown Publishing, a Penguin Random House imprint, said that figure was inaccurate.

In 2020, within weeks of the first COVID cases, Fauci became a Republican punching bag. Enemies saw him as an avatar of the medical establishment when he relentlessly urged COVID precautions, starting with social distancing, moving to lockdowns, then masking and vaccines.

He told Congress this month that he, his wife, and his adult daughter were the subjects of death threats. During the pandemic he received a full-scale security detail.