
Zombie: The Intifada is Globalized

Outrider1/16/2009 3:48:51 pm PST

re: #202 CIA Reject

Exactly. The country will survive, as we survived Carter, and better days are ahead. That doesn’t mean that we will just sit back and watch BO attempt all kind of socialist experimentation without voicing a very strong opposition that will culminate in (G*d willing) his ouster in 2012.

But to all the “he’s not my President” sentiment I say, yes I feel your pain, but he was elected and now he’s got the job. I think this little clip puts it in perspective nicely:


I have no intention of giving his administration a free ride. It is our role to voice the opposition to many of his planed agenda by informing the lazy and uninformed voter of what the agenda consists of.

He is not my choice of president. But, with the exception of Reagan, none of them would have been my best choice. But, he is the president of MY country, hence he is my president. For four years. Or until impeachment. ;-)>