
Death Sentence for Translating the Koran

Zimriel2/06/2009 11:32:39 am PST

re: #205 ploome hineni

unbelievable mistake

to allow any religious basis and es[pecially sharia law be part of any ‘constitution’

My understanding of Jewish history is that the Jews also had a shari’a during the Second Temple. It’s called “the Torah”.

Hanukah started because the Jewish priest tried to implement a Greek-style constitution. The Maccabees then declared that a rival torah, and rebelled, and implemented the old torah as a constitution.

And then some reactionaries decided that the old torah didn’t go far enough; which is why we (well, the Ethiopians) now have Jubilees and the Dead Sea Scrolls had the Damascus Document, and 4QMMT, and the Temple Scroll etc etc.

Judaism today looks to me like Hanafi Sunnism; rabbinic rulings based on precedent and given some leeway for implementation…