
No Racism at the Tea Party?

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/17/2009 12:15:10 am PDT

re: #193 Enkidu90046

Never did kendo, but was always interested in it. My martial arts career started with Tang Soo Do… and I thought I was pretty bad ass until a friend of mine who had only taken about a month of boxing at the Y wiped teh floor with my sparring and I decided TSD was worthless after that. I wrestled through JHS and HS, but never really understood that what I was doing really was a martial art. I trained a bit at boxing in HS, but nothing serious (there weren’t any good gyms near me) but then really got into it in college. College is also where I fenced. When I moved to Los Angeles after grad school, I started training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and screwed around with some Judo and Muay Thai, but was never very serious with the latter two. Weight training has been part of my life since my parents bought a soloflex when I was in 8th grade, but I really got serious about it when I moved to Los Angeles after grad school. That is when I started competing in powerlifting and learned how to Olympic lift from some top coaches.

Well, I did Kempo and some Wing Chun mostly. I did a very little Tai Chi and I would like to learn some more internal style. However, I have promised myself to take up Krav Maga this year.