
LGF Diavlog at New York Times

austin_blue1/05/2010 5:56:02 pm PST

re: #177 iceweasel

Seriously, the fact that anyone does (and unfortunately many do) is an excellent symbol of what’s going on. That’s one reason why LGF focusses on him often. There is a great deal of inchoate fear, rage, and anxiety out there right now. The economy meant that you’d have that anyway, but add to it the election of the first black POTUS. And he’s a dem.
The wingnuts decided to harnass that rage and fear by pumping out lies about death panels and the like (to take but one example) as their way of being obstructionist. Beck is a sign of the times and the political climate, like it or not.
Short version, others here will likely say it better.


How was NY? Hopefully not as cold as the UK over the holidays.