
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

NJDhockeyfan4/09/2010 6:25:55 am PDT

re: #188 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I completely underestimated how the card would be played. For me to deny that it exists would also be foolish.

I don’t deny that there is an aspect of racism in some people’s criticism of President Obama.

My constant criticisms of Clinton weren’t racist either. Or Bush (though I am a partisan, and they were less frequent than of Clinton).

Kruk, wasn’t me I was speaking of, was more of the subject to which I was referring. Ain’t gonna jump on the “Newt mentioned basketball, so he’s a racist” bandwagon. Y’all can ride that one alone.

Exactly. Yes, there are racists attacks on the president. However it seem as though any criticism of this president is automatically labeled racist and it’s getting old.