
Religious Right Groups Call on CPAC to Eject GOProud, Like Buckley Ejected the John Birch Society

Talking Point Detective11/23/2010 12:37:11 pm PST

re: #190 researchok

Only a God/Deity (feel free to define as you will- supreme architect, far away observer, intimate participant, etc).

Although I’m more agnostic than atheist (being an atheist requires too much faith for me), I look at the notion of “spirituality” very much in the was that Obdicott describes above. As such, I think that faith in a god, deity, observer, etc., is not even remotely necessary to be “spiritual.”

I go with the Carl Sagan notion [paraphrasing] that religious belief is largely a function of human inability to tolerate ambiguity.

That said, I’m pretty sure I’ve read studies that religious faith correlates well with happiness, health, good relationships, etc., so I see a purpose to it. Sometimes a lack of ambiguity helps people to get through life.