
Live Video: British Parliament Debates Banning Donald Trump

KGxvi1/18/2016 1:49:21 pm PST

re: #196 freetoken

If just 20% of Americans who post images of kittens doing the cute-kitten-thing go and vote for Trump, we’re doomed.

I’ve been saying for a while that I get the feeling this election is going to be about turnout and could envision a very low turnout election due to lack of enthusiasm on both sides. So I went looking at some polling to figure out if that might be true. Seems like the trend is that among primary voters in both parties there is a plurality that will support the eventual nominee (I’m assuming Clinton, Sanders, Trump, Cruz, Rubio will be the eventual nominees) without reservation; another sizable group of voters will support with reservation, somewhere between 8 and 15% will support because they’re the party’s nominee (why hello D_F), and an equal number will not support. So basically, at the moment, there’s no enthusiasm gap among primary voters - of course that can change.

But more surprising was the poll included a right track/wrong track question, with results going back to early 2003. What shocked me was that you have to go to April 2003 to find the last time a majority of Americans thought the country was on the right track. That really might explain a lot of our politics over the last decade.