
The Best of Samantha Bee: Full Frontal Rewind: Trump's Henchmen Pt. 1 [VIDEO]

sagehen8/27/2019 7:37:42 am PDT

re: #207 makeitstop

Interesting backstory there. Echo Park Guitars has a dodgy rep in the custom guitar community - like the story says, they’ve built guitars for a lot of big rock stars, but there are a lot of stories out there about people who aren’t big rock stars getting treated like crap, with Gabe Currie promising delivery in 6 to 8 months but then not delivering for up to two years. And Currie regularly goes on Insta and mocks people who complain that his delivery is too slow and a lot of the work is sub-standard.

And Echo Park’s guitars price out for between 8 and 10 grand. Gibson may have bet on the wrong horse here.

Didn’t Gibson get in big trouble some years back for the sourcing of the wood they were using? IIRC, there was some big environmentalist whoop-de-do about importing old-growth deforestation something something?