
Mickey Guyton: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Targetpractice11/10/2020 2:18:02 am PST

The problem with using vanishingly slim possibility that Trump will somehow win in the courts and get the results overturned being used to keep the plebes in a state of constant froth is that you can’t maintain such for long periods of time. Eventually there has to be a payoff or else they begin to question if they’re just being jerked around. Realistically, the make-or-break period is gonna be late Nov/early Dec, when states (by law) must begin certifying their results and selecting electors. Bush v. Gore was decided in part due to the argument on the part of the Bush campaign that if the recounts just kept going until the Gore campaign was satisfied, then it risked putting the state of Florida in jeopardy of failing to meet the certification deadline.

So come by mid December, the Repubs are gonna find themselves at a crossroads: Are they going to put themselves at odds with the courts to prevent one or more states from certifying results that have Biden as the winner? Will they endorse the concept of “faithless electors” and thus risk (as of yesterday) having their own face hefty fines or even jail just to cause a constitutional crisis? Or will they bail on Trump and accept the results of the election, thus putting them at odds with the MAGAts at the most crucial point in the Georgia run-offs?