
VULFPECK: "Love Is a Beautiful Thing" (Feat. Monica Martin and Theo Katzman)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/31/2022 12:34:08 am PDT

YouTuber Genetically Modified Skeptic, a religion counter-apologist, worked with a Christian historian to put together a video on the Soviet Union’s propaganda in favour of state atheism. Specifically, they looked at the absurd amount of propaganda art put out by the Soviet League of the Militant Godless (that sounds like an evil comic book crime syndicate). The League, sanctioned by the Bolsheviks, had an absurd plan to eliminate religion within five years within the Soviet Union, called the Godless Five Year Plan.

He was quite appalled at the amount of propaganda and violence rained down on religious leaders. (While many atheists think society would be better off without religious ideology influencing government and institutions, the overwhelming majority support freedom of religion in the USA.)

That five-year plan didn’t work so well: He covers the period from Lenin through Gorbachev.

As I understand it, the Bolsheviks viewed any religion (Christianity, Islam, others) as a potential political opposition, so the goal was to eliminate religious belief through violence (killing or jailing priests and imams, destroying houses of worship, &c). Aside from making martyrs out of those people, the Soviets did not achieve their goal.


American Atheist Reacts to Soviet Atheist Propaganda