
Colbert: Trump Is Big Mad at Nikki Haley | White House Pharmacy Scandal | Many Loose Bolts Found on Planes

silverdolphin1/25/2024 2:58:55 pm PST

re: #206 piratedan

With Trump cancelling and the internal party warfare that is taking place at the State level (Kari Lake exposing the current state GOP chair of trying to muscle her out of the Senate race) it’s a dumpster fire. Plus the state GOP coffers are low (159K supposedly) to cover a national election and this was to help refill some of those concerns. Why are the coffers so low? Thanks to Ms. Kari Lake and her endless failed lawsuits and the Cyber Ninja costs….. So now, thanks to Senorita Airbrush, they’ll stay low.

This really does seem eerily similar to the break up of the Whigs because of internal politics. The different coalitions no longer able to work together. We already have the modern Know Nothing (Officially the American) party, just instead of being rabidly anti-Catholic they are anti-brown. I wonder if any other real alternatives appear?