
Gaza Video Supplier Responds

goddessoftheclassroom1/11/2009 11:05:38 am PST

I just read a Mark Steyn post on “The Corner” at NRO ( He’s posted a reader’s response that makes me sick:

[UPDATE: A reader responds:

You and Hinderaker can rationalize all you want. These little mites are still very dead and their images are plastered around the world. Folks can do the math. It’s about 825 Palestinians versus 12 Israelis of whom 8 were soldiers. The world is recoiling in revulsion. Even Jewish communities in Europe, and some I’ve spoken to in the US, are appalled from genuine abhorrence but also possibly from a fear of the demons that this is unleashing. Truman wasn’t far off the mark in his comments about the Jewish mentality of which you are alas a prime example.]

I have to calm down before I start tearing this apart.