
Video: Science Geeks Partying for Darwin

jcm2/12/2009 4:17:19 pm PST

re: #170 wccawa

Ummm… I haven’t visited here for than a few times in the past few months, but geez! Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?

I have nothing against Mr. Spencer nor against Charles, but to say that Spencer is “ranting away” over at Hot Air is just a bit on the sensational side.

IMHO, this whole thing has been blown WHOLLY out of proportion. I think Robert should just keep doing what he does best, and Charles should return to what he does best.

Does that mean I’m a troll?

Well, let’s see.
Cato the Elder finds Robert Joins and “unsavory” (genocide being unsavory) group on Facebook.
I find a post from last May where Robert uses the same logo, language and reasoning sans genocide as this bunch.
This fits a evolving pattern of at least the last year.

Robert’s excuse is he joined not knowing who they were / he was pranked / or Cato or Charles hacked his account. (It’s hard to tell), and he hasn’t addressed his Nakba post.

Robert goes to Hot Air threatens to sue Cato, Charles and anyone else who wanders into his line of fire.

I’d call that a rant.