
If the US Has a 'Health Czar,' Who Are the Serfs?

yma o hyd2/24/2009 9:01:24 am PST

re: #152 bulwrk

I’ve read that the families of patients checking into hospitals in the UK bring cleaning supplies with them.

Heck - some even do the cleaning themselves!
See - the government needs to save money, so the cleaning services are not done ‘in-house- any longer, but are given to private contractors. These are not well paid (lowest bidder gets the contract) so they couldn’t care less if there’s a bit of dirt around …
Ever heard of ‘hospital-acquired infections’?
We have them … and some wards and even hospitals have to be closed down remporarily to get rid of the stuff. Oh, and people die, of course - but hey, its only the elderly … ///