
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/26/2009 6:16:33 pm PST

Note on some of my earlier comments.

There is a lot of data that shows that life arose on Earth very shortly after it was cool enough to allow it. This suggests that a planet with the right mix of features is actually likely to develop lifeforms of some kind.

The universe is really really big. There are likely many Earth like planets out there. It would be very surprising if Earth is the only one with critters on it.

However, the universe is really, really big. getting from here to there is very far from trivial. If that iis in some way practical to do with as yet undiscovered physics, it would still not be trivial to do. This leads me to doubt that aliens capable of such feats would waste their time sticking their fingers in people’s bottoms.