
Overnight Ocean Thread

SixDegrees11/08/2009 5:58:30 am PST

re: #199 FrogMarch

Just stating who pushed the thing over the top; not whining. but whatever.
In any case, I think this thing this will pass the senate. The GOP is out of power and all they can do is oppose. And yes- they aren’t very good at opposing when they focus on the ridiculous.

I haven’t seen the tallies yet, but with only a five vote margin of passage there must have been a lot of Democrats who jumped ship and voted against it. I fault the GOP for dicking around the the TPers instead of working the floor, reaching across the aisle to build a coalition with like-minded Dems. Instead of horse trading, they dug in their heels and acted like spoiled children. At a minimum, there was strong opposition to the public option even on the Democratic side of the House, and it should have been easy to derail at least that portion of the bill, if not the entire bill itself.

But apparently, they felt that their strategy of all dropping their pencils at the same time was better.