
Another Outrageous Outrage of the Day Bites the Dust

researchok4/09/2010 7:34:12 pm PDT

Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. That there imperfect priests and imperfect church leaders is not in question. That there needs to be change and amends is also true.

That said the church continues to do and has done an extraordinary amount of good. Inner city schools, hospitals, relief and rescue work, etc, ad infinitum is a reality that cannot be overlooked. The has done far more good globally than most organizations. The church cannot and should not be dismissed because of the behaviors of the bad apples.

While it is easy to excoriate the church as hypocritical, the same can be said for those who claim to better people because they are not believers.

People are people. The are saints and sinners, princes and thieves in every corner of every society. Every corner.

That may be an unpopular thing to say, but it is true.