
Rand Paul Defends BP Again

Dark_Falcon11/14/2010 2:17:19 pm PST

re: #201 Renaissance_Man

I would like to point out that of all the campaign ads I saw, not one Republican ad mentioned their policies or achievements. 100% of the Republican ads stated ‘my opponent voted with Obama 95% of the time’ or ‘my opponent supports the Pelosi agenda’. 100%. Complete identity politics. And it works only because the US media is entirely complicit in promoting their memes. Democrat ads were about evenly split - half described the achievements of the Democrat candidate, the rest attacked the Republican for being a shill for lobbyists/big business.

In my state it was almost all negative in the Senate race, and split in the governor’s race about 80-20% in favor of negative. In the Governor’s race both candidates ran positive ads, but Pat Quinn ran about 2/3rds of them. The Illinois Senate race saw only 4 positive ads, and Mark Kirk (the Republican) ran 3 of them. Mostly this was because Alexi Ganoullis had to run away from his record (which featured his family’s bank being closed for mod ties).