
Rand Paul Stands by His 'Southern Avenger'

wrenchwench7/11/2013 8:43:20 am PDT

It is not an error of some sort that Rand hired Jack Hunter. They read all the same books, believe in the same ideology. Look at the ‘recommended reading’ in the back of the book they wrote together. It starts with ‘Must read classics in the cause of liberty’: Hayak, Goldwater, von Mises, Rothbard, and Ayn Rand.

Then he lists three books by his father.

Then he names a book by Thomas Woods. Woods, like Hunter, is a League of the South guy. Woods is a founder, in fact.

Also on the rec list:

Glenn Beck
Erick Erickson
Andrew Napolitano
Pat Buchanan
The American Conservative

And others with whom I am not familiar. They might be just as bad or worse.

This is the intellectual elite of the paleoconservatives.

This is not an accidental association. This is who these people are.