
FRC's Perkins brilliant plan - use Obamacare funds to bomb Syria

Targetpractice9/06/2013 3:23:25 pm PDT

re: #18 EPR-radar

If the polling numbers for Syria intervention don’t significantly move, the GOP will have much more than enough political cover for this strategy.

The problem, as noted on Saturday, is that such a strategy leaves the GOP in the position of taking the blame for America’s inaction. Obama has forces ready to go, has stated he believes he has the authority, but has bowed to Republican insistence that the President must seek Congressional approval for any and all military operations. By killing the bill by declaring that the case has not been made, the GOP will be left explaining to the American people why allowing Assad to continue to gas his people is preferable to intervention in any fashion. As well as the possibility of such weapons ending up in possession of extremists should the government fall.