
Hilarious! Bad Lip Reading Remixes "Game of Thrones"

lawhawk10/16/2013 1:31:33 pm PDT


TP candidate for Idaho House of Representatives hates Medicare, except that he signed his family up for it because - benes! Oh, and his defense? Let’s go to the transcript:

Let me set the record straight. Yes, I participate in government programs of which I adamantly oppose. Many of them, actually. Am I a hypocrite for participating in programs that I oppose? If it was that simple, and if participation demonstrated support, then of course. But, my reason for participation in government programs often is not directly related to that issue in and of itself, and it certainly does not demonstrate support. For instance, I participate in government programs in order to stay out of the courts, or jail, so that I can take care of my family; other things I do to avoid fines or for other financial reasons; and some are simply because it is the only practical choice. With each situation, I have to evaluate the consequences of participating or not participating.

Cognitive dissonance? Check.

Logic and reasoning fail? Check.

Congratulations, you’re the embodiment of the TP/GOP. Here’s your tricorn hat and Confederate Battle Flag.