
A Post-Christmas Recovery Open Thread, Featuring HMSTR

Birth Control Works12/26/2014 12:10:22 pm PST

In my ongoing efforts to function in this Brave New World for as long as possible before I’m in an Assisted Care Facility …

I’m bending my brain around the concept that countries are no longer countries as I’ve been taught to understand them. They are really “government corporations” trying to compete with “market corporations” on a global level.

It’s not a perfect theory, but I think it’s helping me to understand some of the phenom I’ve been missing.

Like Putin. All this behavior of the past year is more like that of a CEO trying to show he has the biggest, baddest dick there is. Less nationalistic pride and more company pride. Not like a monarch, like a Wall Street Player.

I don’t think he can pull it off.

(Just my musings in a feeble attempt to fathom the current world)