
It's Darwin Day in the US, Where Far Too Many Fanatics Still Reject Evolution

The Ghost of a Flea2/12/2015 11:45:51 am PST

Kentucky flim-flammer and creationist Ken Ham has designated this “Darwin Was Wrong Day.”

I do believe there’s a related Twitter hashtag…not that I’m assed to go look.

But how about we-revisit that whole discussion of how intelligent design is a giant ideological bait-and-switch that eliminates any non-literal interpretation of the Bible *and* undermines basic premise of empirical research?

Or that any and all “well truth lies in between faith and science” statement is meaningless if faith can make any old claim justified with Appeal to Authority, and science has to do the accommodation.

Or how about we talk about all the current active “discussions” in US politics and culture where science has to bash its massive head against a wall of “nuh-uh, God—by way of my megachurch pastor and his collection of televangelist books—says no.”