
Did James O'Keefe Try to Plant an Undercover Operative in Ferguson to Incite Protesters to Violence?

teleskiguy3/17/2015 8:49:28 pm PDT

James O’Queef. UpChuck Johnson. Don’t these assholes see Andrew Breitbart as their guide, their beacon, their muse?

Breitbart poisoned the well quite thoroughly. Hacks like UpChuck and O’Queef are emboldened to throw things like ethics and basic human decency out the window to further a far right ideology more in line with the politics going on in Trans-Somali Disputed Zone.

Breitbart thought he was doing right-wing gonzo journalism, injecting himself into the story any way he could. His methods in media were some of the most unscrupulous around. He’s gone, but he has devoted disciples like O’Queef and UpChuck.