
Dancing in the Arctic Circle: Anneli Drecker, "Alone"

Reality Based Steve5/10/2015 3:34:48 pm PDT

re: #16 Shiplord Kirel

More freeper madness
Does your man have nicer lingerie than you? [Get ready to board the Vomit Comet]

This is a pretty ordinary fluff story designed to enhance revenue by scandalizing and titillating the rubes, but the freepers STILL manage to make it about Obama, Jade Helm, and the alleged persecution of Christians.

Because if you accept that it’s NOT all about Obama, Jade Helm and persecution of Christians, then what reason is there to get out of bed in the morning?

In any case, I’ve got to go, got a part time gig helping close the local WalMart, we’re putting the fencing up inside the store and setting up the sally port entryways today. Hopefully the TBM crew has moved on to the next location.