
And Now, Santorum Enters the Clown Car

Eventual Carrion5/27/2015 11:36:31 am PDT

re: #2 Kragar

My GOP debate question:

“Why did God tell your opponents to run against you?”

That reminds me of a lunch I had with my wife’s relatives a while back. We were all sitting at this restaurant at a big table. Her family is pretty religious for the most part, some more than others of course. One of the more religious aunts started into this story/movie she had heard/watched about a basketball team. They weren’t really a great team but good enough to get to the championship game and were losing at halftime. She told how the coach made this great halftime speech about how god loved them and would help them through this like he will in hard times that will come later in their life. And of course they went out and won the game in the second half. All the other relatives were like, aww that was nice. So me being me asked her, “Why did god hate the other team?”. Silence from almost everyone except one cousin that snickered.