
Saturday Jam: Bob Schneider, "Cheaper"

teleskiguy10/17/2015 5:17:06 pm PDT

A few days ago the Washington Post published a sickening hagiography of David Daleiden.

Daleiden often says he likes the abortion providers he met. He calls Deborah Nucatola, the Planned Parenthood medical director whose casual comments about abortion procedures were his first big get, a “friend.” (It is unlikely she feels any reciprocal warmth, considering that the National Abortion Federation says she has been the subject of online death threats. Nucatola declined to comment through a Planned Parenthood spokeswoman.)

At other times, Daleiden’s disdain for his targets is palpable. Asked by conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck whether he had ever encountered “evil,” Daleiden described a discussion with one of the few doctors in the United States who perform abortions in the third trimester.

“She wasn’t suspicious of my character. Everything was going well,” he told Beck. “We were talking and kind of joking, laughing about something. And all of a sudden she looked straight in my eyes, and I saw almost a flash of light go from one eye to the other . . . and all of a sudden her eyes looked hard and mean and aggressive, and for the first time in this entire project, I felt actually afraid.”

“On some level,” he continued, “we feel like that was the predator look or predator instinct that you see in someone who is accustomed to killing people.”

Your liberal media at work, folks.