
Neo-Nazi Convicted of 1st Degree Murder in Charlottesville Car Attack

lawhawk12/07/2018 3:54:16 pm PST

Great news out of VA on the Nazi’s conviction in the murder of Heather Heyer.

It’s also another reminder that Trump equated the goddamned Nazis with the people protesting them. He equated the murderer and his ilk with people like Heyer who were protesting Nazis whose march was there to protect statues to the confederacy - statues erected to remind blacks of their subservient place in society, statues erected to the losers of the war of Southern Insurrection (a war fought to preserve the institution of slavery).

And that’s not even the biggest news of the day.

That’s, of course, the Trumpworld sentencing docs for Manafort and Cohen.

tl;dr: Trump’s fucked (legal opinion as an unindicted coconspirator who directly conspired to break multiple federal laws).

The longer version is that Trump’s in so much trouble from so many directions that he doesn’t even know what to do next.

Let’s start with Cohen: Cohen’s docs show that Trump was actively seeking contact with the Russians in 2015 at the UNGA and directed Cohen to contact them - and Cohen lied to investigators about this point. Cohen indicated that contacts continued despite public statements to the contrary.

Then there’s the payoffs for Daniels and the other woman. Both were illegal, and enhanced sentencing was recommended because of how Cohen sought to disguise the payoffs from campaign finance and financial scrutiny (creating bogus front companies, phony invoices, etc.). Again, Trump is directly implicated here.

GOP spin can’t cover the criminality - the stench is too overwhelming, and the only question is what else Mueller has on everyone else in Trumpworld - from Pence and Junior and Ivanka on down. Because it’s increasingly likely that everyone is involved, including key GOP leadership and certain persons like Nunes, Chaffetz, and Rohrabacher.