
Seth Meyers: Biden Nears Victory, Trump Goes Berserk Trying to Steal the Election

No Malarkey!11/04/2020 7:48:50 pm PST

re: #15 i(m)p(each)sos

Meanwhile, persuade me that if we end up with a 49-51 Senate, Lisa Murkowski doesn’t become the most powerful broker in it.

She’s up for reelection in 2022. She knows that if the Senate doesn’t go D in 2020, it’s very likely to do so in two years.

She’s bucked the GOP on several big votes including ACA repeal and Barrett.

The GOP tried to oust her in 2016… recall that she lost the primary and only won reelection as a write-in. She doesn’t need the party.

And: she’s a second-generation Senator, which means she grew up watching her father as part of the old clubby, friendly Senate where Joe Biden was formed. They speak the same language. I wouldn’t be suprised if they know each other pretty well.

Which is to say: Murkowski owes McConnell nothing. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there are some quiet efforts on the part of Biden and Harris (who, again, has served with Murkowski for four years now) to see what it would take to get her to go independent, and to caucus with the Dems on at least some of the policy priorities?

Maybe I’m overestimating her… but she’s been a lot better for our side than Collins ever was or will be. And she can’t be at all happy watching Trump further melt down the “old” GOP she grew up in.

She voted for Barrett. Nuff said.